Show UR Love Sign is a heartfelt turn-based action initiative inspired by Prince's legacy and philanthropy. Just like in turn-based gameplay, each person's purchase represents their "turn" or "action" within the initiative, collectively making a difference. The initiative promotes love, compassion, and creativity while making a positive impact. The initiative embodies the enduring power of love and invites individuals to stitch a world of positive change.

Not a cross-stitcher? Show UR Love Sign by donating.

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Click this button to read about the causes we have fulfilled.

Any charitable act is love in motion and love needs no publicity, because love just is.
— Prince
Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.
It is never wasted.
— Prince
Show UR Love Sign

Introducing the Show UR Love Sign Action Initiative:

Show UR Love Sign is a heartfelt project inspired by the legendary rock star Prince and his commitment to philanthropy. This initiative celebrates the power of love, compassion, and creativity while making a positive impact on society. In the spirit of Prince's charitable legacy, Show UR Love Sign invites individuals to contribute to various causes and help make a difference through the art of cross-stitching.

The name of the initiative was inspired by Prince's song Love Sign which features singer, Nona Gaye. The video was directed by iconic rapper Ice Cube. Embodying the essence of Prince, this initiative encourages individuals to express their support for a range of charitable endeavors. By purchasing unique and captivating cross-stitch patterns, customers become a part of a turn-based initiative actively participating and becoming an essential player in the collective effort to make a difference.

The heart of the Show UR Love Sign initiative lies in the belief that small actions can have a profound effect. Each cross-stitch pattern is thoughtfully designed to represent themes of love, peace, and positive transformation. By engaging in the creative act of stitching these patterns, individuals contribute not only to their own artistic expression but also to a larger movement dedicated to improving the lives of others.

Profits from the sale of these cross-stitch patterns are directed towards carefully selected charities and causes that reflect the diverse range of issues our society faces. By supporting a wide array of causes, Show UR Love Sign ensures that its impact reaches various communities and addresses pressing social challenges.

Transparency and accountability are cornerstones of the initiative's philosophy. One hundred percent of profits (after processing fees) go toward the Charity of the Moment. Customers can stay informed of the Cause of the Moment below.

To spread awareness and encourage widespread participation, the Show UR Love Sign initiative utilizes diverse marketing channels. Social media platforms, dedicated websites, and collaborations with influencers and relevant communities are employed to amplify the message and engage a broad audience. By sharing stories of impact, testimonials from supported causes, and updates on progress, supporters are inspired and motivated to continue their involvement.

Show UR Love Sign initiative is not limited to a single endeavor but is an ongoing commitment to fostering positive change. As the initiative gains momentum, the collection of cross-stitch patterns expands, providing customers with an ever-growing selection of creative options. Collaborations with artists and designers from various backgrounds further enrich the offerings, making it possible to support an even wider range of charitable causes.

Through Show UR Love Sign, individuals can channel their love for art and compassion into tangible actions that benefit society. By embracing Prince's philanthropic spirit, this initiative stands as a testament to the enduring power of love and the collective impact that can be achieved. Let us join hands and stitch a world of love, support, and positive change, one pattern at a time.

Check back for a new cause of the moment as the initiative continues!

Cause of the Moment